Thursday, October 23, 2008
is no one bothered ,
just look at the small article from andhra jyothi ( a local news paper)http://www.crusadewatch.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=729&Itemid=38
Ek Gormati
wake up.....we r not christians
Satish Lunsavath

Friday, September 26, 2008
Janmaki Banjara, teen wonders
Janaki's latest accomplishment is a callup to the national camp that will pick the India under-17 girls football team. Considering her age, it's no mean feat and comes quickly on the heels of her terrific show at the national championships in Uttarkhand recently where she slammed a hat-trick , which was no flash-in-the-pan . She was, after all, the skipper of the Gujarat team. And on November 14, Children's Day ( Jaw a h a r a l Nehru's birthday ) Janaki will be leading the Anand Niketan dance group at the National Institute of Performing Arts (NIPA) in Delhi. The school will represent Gujarat at the festival which will also feature troupes from six other countries and all other Indian states.
When the letter from the Gujarat State Football Association arrived this week asking her to join the national camp, she was beside herself with joy. "This is an honour. I will do my best to get into the India squad," she said. Janaki rates the best performance award that her school troupe won at the India International Centre in New Delhi in 2006 at a national competition organised by cultural group Avantika as her finest moment on the cultural front. School coach Khetsingh Rana is proud of the fact that in the span of a few months, another girl from his school team has won recognition at the national level. "Vishwa Patel's inclusion in Team India that took part in the Asian U-14 championships in Vietnam was a great moment for us. Now, it is Janaki who has brought us the laurels ," he said. At the Special National Jamboree in Kolkata in 2007 - the centenary year of the scouts movement - Janaki was one of a few who were awarded the Adventure Activity Award and in 2005 she trekked the Himalayas in a Youth Hostels Association of India programme.
At the age of six, she appeared on Gujarat Doordarshan as part of a dance group that had won the first prize in a local competition organised for charity. This year Janaki won the 'Group Kathak second best' award at Global Harmony , a multi-lingual drama, dance and music competition organised in Pune by the Akhil Bharatiya Sanskrutik Sangh which is a member of the Dance Council of UNESCO, Paris. She also took part in a Rajasthani Folk contest there and clinched a consolation prize.
At the West Zone athletics championships, Janaki participated in the triathlon, and won medals at local swimming competitions. She also takes part in state yoga meets.
Janaki scores around 95 per cent marks in her exams. School principal Caesar D'Silva said, "I wish her success for the future." The allrounder par excellence says, "I will continue all my activities in the class X and XII as well. I am confident that I can master all trades!"
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
बंजारा समाजाने संघटित व्हावे - मोतीराज राठोड
पाथर्डी, ता. १८ - ""कष्टकरी, शूर व संस्कृतिप्रिय असलेल्या गोरमाटी बंजारा समाजाने बदलत्या काळाशी एकरूप होऊन परंपरा, संस्कृती, भाषा, वेश व विचार जपावा.
शिक्षणाचा, संपत्तीचा व विचारांचा उपयोग समाज संघटित करण्यासाठी करावा,'' असे आवाहन प्रा. मोतीराज राठोड यांनी केले.
तालुक्यातील कोकीसपीर तांडा येथे पाचव्या राज्यस्तरीय बंजारा महोत्सवाच्या उद्घाटनप्रसंगी ते बोलत होते. अध्यक्षस्थानी ज्येष्ठ नेते लालसिंग रजपूत होते. प्रमुख पाहुणे म्हणून डॉ. संयोगिता नाईक (पुणे), प्रा. गोविंद पवार (अंबेजोगाई), अतिरिक्त आयुक्त उत्तम राठोड, रामदास राठोड, रामदास चव्हाण (लातूर), प्रा. दत्ता पवार (नांदेड), मंजूषा राठोड, ऍड. चारुशीला राठोड, गणपत राठोड, गोविंद चव्हाण, गोपीचंद चव्हाण आदी उपस्थित होते.
श्री. राठोड म्हणाले, ""लमाण समाजाची प्रशासनाकडून उपेक्षा होत आहे. समाजाचे युगपुरुष वसंतराव नाइकांनी तब्बल बारा वर्षे राज्याची धुरा वाहिली. त्या गोरमाटींना आज रस्ता, पाणी, वीज, शिक्षण, आरोग्य अशा गरजांसाठी भांडावे लागते.'' समाजाचा इतिहास व संस्कृती नष्ट करू पाहणाऱ्या स्वजातीयांबरोबर अन्य विचारांचा मुकाबला आपल्याला संघटितपणे करावा लागेल. सामाजिक व वैचारिक बांधिलकी मानणारे मोजके समाजबांधव बंजारांना नवी दिशा देऊ शकतील, असा आशावाद त्यांनी व्यक्त केला.
डॉ. गणपत राठोड म्हणाले, ""संत सेवालाल सदन (लातूर) येथे उभारून बंजारा समाजाचे देशव्यापी कार्य तेथून चालावे, यासाठी सुमारे दहा कोटी रुपयांचा बहुउद्देशीय प्रकल्प हाती घेण्यात आला आहे.''
वक्त्यांनी मेळाव्याचे संयोजक डॉ. गणपत राठोड व विष्णुपंत पवार यांचे कौतुक केले. खास लमाणी वेशातील वयस्कर महिलांनी प्रमुख पाहुण्यांचे स्वागत केले.
गणपत राठोड यांनी प्रास्ताविक केले. अरुण पवार यांनी सूत्रसंचालन केले. विष्णुपंत पवार यांनी स्वागत केले. संजय वडते यांनी आभार मानले. उद्या महोत्सवाचा समारोप असून, रात्री भजन मुकाबला व पारंपरिक गाण्यांना बांधवांचा मोठा प्रतिसाद मिळाला. संपूर्ण रात्र सर्व तांड्यांनी जागून काढली. गोरमाटी भाषेतील विनोद व सर्व कार्यक्रम अन्य भाषकांनाही आवडले.
Monday, September 15, 2008
More funds sought for Banjara Bhavan
Staff Reporter
BANGALORE: The Karnataka Pradesh Banjara (Lambani) Seva Sangha has urged the Government to extend the lease on the land given to it for another 30 years, and to ensure that the Banjara Bhavan, sanctioned by the Government in Vasantnagar here, is managed and run by the sangha. It should totally devoted to promoting the Banjara culture, religion, literature and education.
Sangha president and former minister B.T. Lalitha Naik told presspersons that the blueprint of the Banjara Bhavan was ready, and the construction was to begin shortly, at a cost of Rs. 6 crore. She urged the Government to grant Rs 3 crores for the project.
Welcoming the Government’s announcement that a Karnataka Banjara Development Corporation would be set up with Rs. 10 crore, Ms. Naik said that the first announcement had been made during Veerappa Moily’s tenure as Chief Minister, with a grant of Rs. 5 crore, and even during former Deputy Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s tenure as Finance Minister, it had been announced in the Budget.
Apart from this Rs. 1 crore had been promised for the construction of a temple of Sant Sevalal in Sooregondanakoppa.
Sangha working president S. Ramadas Naik said there were indications that the Bangalore Development Authority was trying to acquire the 6-acre plot promised to the sangha and urged the Government to ensure that this did not happen.
Ms. Naik announced that the foundation stone for the Banjara Bhavan would be laid by Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy later this month.
online news(The Hindu)
http://www.hindu.com/2007/09/06/stories/2007090654140500.htmSunday, August 31, 2008
Admission HELP..........(Madhya Pradesh)
My Name is jaipal singh pawar, I m doing M.Sc.(Ag)in jabalpur,i'm presently posted in technical assistent,panna(m.p.).If you or your any relatives want to admission in any Agriculture college in m.p.i will help u,plz contact me on my mobile no.09755568218 .
jai sevalal
First Banjara Language Script has been prepared
"The First Tribal Script in Banjara Language has been prepared"
This promise was made by the then minister for school education, N Rajyalakshmi, in 2004. She had promised that the academy would be set up with headquarters at Hyderabad and it would work to encourage tribal students to go to school. But since then there has not been much progress.
The tribals in Telangana have the capacity to tilt the balance of at least 45-50 assembly seats in the elections, according the Lamabada Hakkula Porta Samiti president Banoth Rukmini Naik. She said the samithi would meet the leaders of all political parties including Chiranjeevi after he launched his party, and urge them to support their cause.
Talking to TOI, she said there are 33 tribes and none of them has a script of their own and this is causing difficulties in coping up with the education. As a result, majority of them drop out at the primary level.
But now following a consistent effort for almost three decades, the first tribal script in Banjara language has been prepared with the help of English alphabets by Chilkuri Amar Varaprasad who is himself a Banjara. This script was examined by several experts from various universities and had been approved by experts, she added.
The reason for developing the script in English, she said was because Banjaras were spread across the country and this book would help all the Banjaras.
The script would have 50 letters including vowels and consonants. She said that the state government had allocated seven per cent of the budget for the backward classes for the tribals, and if it can open exclusive schools for tribals in the Telangana districts where the maximum number of tribals in the state belong to, it would help thousands of tribal students who were otherwise languishing. (With thanks from "Times of India")
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Lets Join hands to show Banjara
RAM RAM goar bhayiyo n bhehno,
Give me chance to introduce first,Im srihari prasad naik working as software engineer ,Pune.Im a native of Palvancha ,Khammam(Dist),A.P. I've started working on our community long back.Orkut has given me an opurtunity to talk to u all dis way for which im very much thank full to orkut team.Im working on to create a site of our communtity which tells about our heritage n culture,our issues,about our organization ,social activities(An idea) n much more.Probably it takes another couple of months to get the site on live.Apart from dis im gathering the info of our people directly goin to them ,talkin to them knowing their problems ,Doing needful to them,giving suggestions if required.
My request is to unite ,we can give this work more life, if join together.Solve the problems of needy of our community in well organized fashion.
My Important conern:
its nice to see u all.But im unhappy to say and see our guyz are more inclined towards making pals for them selves.Atleast they could show half of the interest on our community which they r showing on getting pals.No porbs , i think there r so many reasons for dis.the reasons may be:
.. we r not serious about our community.
..Lack of understanding or ignorance about our community.
..People don't have time to bother about this.
..they may be in a helpless situation eventhough they have time.
n may be many..
but guyz let me tell u, im very much serious about it. its for a cause ..for our integrity,so lets join the hands to show them(Banjaras) ..we r there for them.
Shrihari Naik
Let us know about few famous Personalities...
Hi guys please post the information about famous personalities from our cmnty....
BIRTH: Recently elected President of All India Banjara Seva Sangh, Dr. M. Shankar Naik was born in village Chikkajogihalli, Bellary District, Karnataka at the house of father Shri M. Muniya Naik on 1st July, 1947. His father Shri M. Muniya Naik was a Freedom Fighter and prisoned during Quit India Movement more than 18 months. He followed Gandhian Principals throghout his life time.
EDUCATION: Dr. M. Shankar Naik completed his Middle and High School education at Village Chikkajogihalli and did PUC and Medical Education from Bellary.
MEDICAL PRACTICE: After completion of Medical Education, Dr. M. Shankar Naik started Medical Practice at Doddaballapur (Rural District of Bangalore) in 1973.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: Dr. M. Shankar Naik is the founder of Lions Club of Doddaballapur in 1973 and served as a Charter Secretary and held various positions in Lions Club as a President, Regional Chairman, District Chairman etc., and continue as a Lion Member still now. He is the founder of IMA Branch, Doddaballapur and now Life Member of IMA and Life Member of Red Cross Society. Dr. M. Shankar Naik is recipient of Dr. B. C. Roy's Award in 1997.
Banjara Leader: He elected and served as a President of Karnatka Pradesh Banjara Seva Sangh for 6 years and then President of All India Banjara Seva Sangh, Karnataka Branch. Now he elected unanimously as President of All India Banjara Seva Sangh in place of Late Shri Ranjit Naik, a well known Architect and Social Worker from Mumbai.
POLITICAL CARRIER: Dr. M. Shankar Naik entered into politics in the year of 1987 and elected as a member of Bangalore Rural Zila Parishad and served as a Vice President for 5 years. Then he got elected as a MLA from Nelamangala Constituency, Bangalore Rural District and was Minister for Medical Education during Shri J. H. Patel's Government in Karnatka and continuing in active politics.
MAILING ADDRESS: Dr. M. Shankar Naik, No. 26/B, 2nd Main, CIL Colony, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore-560094, Karnataka Pradesh, India.
PHONE NO.: 080-3413700.
Ravi Naik.
Who are Banjara? - An Historical Context

About our language
Indo-European (449) --> Indo-Iranian (308) --> Indo-Aryan (219) --> Central zone (76) --> Rajasthani (18) --> Unclassified (8) --> Lambadi [lmn] (India).
You can find out some more linguistic attributes of our language here...
Who are Banjara? - An Historical Context
They are listed under 53 different names. Historically, these are the root Gypsies of earth. During the British colonial rule, these gypsy nomads of India were given the name Banjara, but they call themselves Ghor. The Banjaras are a colourful, versatile and one of the largest people groups of India, inhabiting most of the districts of Andhra Pradesh.
The Banjara are a sturdy, ambitious people and have a light complexion. The Banjara were historically nomadic, keeping cattle, trading salt and transporting goods. Most of these people now have settled down to farming and various types of wage labour. Their habits of living in isolated groups away from other, which was a characteristic of their nomadic days, still persist.
Their unique dress, heritage, customs and language distinguish them from the majority population, and they maintain a separate lifestyle. The banjara gypsies love storytelling, music, songs and dance. Men play drums and women dance in a circle chanting to the rhythmic beat. The Banjara are now experiencing rapid changes, and their traditional customs, practices and institutions are undergoing far-reaching transformations. They are now settled as agricultural labourers.
The Banjaras are located in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. The Banjara are primarily Hindu-Animists with their own gods and goddesses, festivals, and animistic worship practices. They offer goat sacrifices and are also bound by superstitions, fears and witchcraft.
P.S: internet source
Satish Lusnavat.
We Need Reservation but in right way...........
Hello Goar Yuth.........
We must need resrvation, but in right way. now the on going resration system has many draw backs..... for example take in the case of S.T category. in general all the persons belong to this category, we are using resrvations.. it is not fair...... an I.A.S officres son also using the same S.T reservation tag and a poor student from very back ward village also using the same. so how far this is correct.....
I.A.S son becoming I.A.S, Engineers son becoming Engineer, Doctors son also a doctor and so ........on. Dr. Ambedkar introduced reservatin system to improve the peoples in backward areas and in remote areas. Because they don't have sufficient communication and resources compared with peoples in urban areas.
in early days, Dr. ambedkar thoght and present situation is different.
so friends just think how reservation is misused. The resrvation is not reached to those desired persons.......
This is the same case in all categories. so we must make a limit to reservation system. I am not against with resrvation. Today I am speaking with you peoples is becasue of resrvation.I came from very backward tanda. Today also we are not having bus service and communication facility in our thanda....
Friday, August 8, 2008
Hyderabad named after a Banjara Girl...

Hyderabad->named after a Banjara Girl - Read Story
An interesting read(especially the high lighted text).. The lady behind the name of the city is frm our own community...
History of Hyderabad:
Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, Sultan of the Qutb Shahi dynasty, ruled from Hyderabad.Hyderabad was founded on the banks of the Musi river in the present day Andhra Pradesh by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, Sultan of the Qutb Shahi dynasty, in 1590; this relocation was intended to relieve a water shortage the dynasty had experienced at their old headquarters at Golkonda. They ruled over the Telangana region and some parts of present day Karnataka and Maharashtra.
Theories explaining the origins and etymology behind Hyderabad's name differ. A popular theory suggests that after founding the city, Quli Qutb Shah fell in love with and married a local Banjara girl known as Bhagyamathi and named this city after her, Bhagya Nagaram. In Telugu, Bhagyanagaram means prosperous city. (Bhagya: fortune; nagaram: city) .[4] Upon her conversion to Islam, Bhagyamathi changed her name to Hyder Mahal and the new city's name was correspondingly changed Hyderabad (literally, "the city of Hyder").
Here is the related link which gives proof
When India gained independence in 1947, under the terms of independence from the British the State of Hyderabad headed by the Prime Minister, the cabinet and the Nizam opted for independence, either as a sovereign ruler or by acquiring Dominion status within the British Empire.
India then enforced an economic blockade. As a result Hyderabad state signed a Standstill Agreement with the Indian Union. On September 17, 1948, more than a year after India had gained independence, the Nizam signed the Instrument of Accession to the Indian Union.
On November 1, 1956, the states of India were reorganized on linguistic grounds. Hyderabad and the surrounding areas were added to Andhra Pradesh, based on the Telugu speaking community. Thus, Hyderabad became the capital city of the new state of AP.
Banjara Population, In Various State...
Ram Ram banjara bhaiyo,
Our Population in various states and reservation categories
Karnataka SC 95 Lacs
Andhra Pradesh ST 85 Lacs
Maharashtra VJ-A 80 Lacs
Uttar Pradesh OBC 65 Lacs
Madhya Pradesh OBC 55 Lacs
Rajasthan (now SBC) 45 Lacs
Gujarat OBC 50 Lacs
Delhi SC 30 Lacs
Tamilnadu VJ 30 Lacs
West Bengal OBC 20 Lacs
Himachal Pradesh SC 25 Lacs
Bihar ST 29 Lacs
Orissa ST 20 Lacs
Kerala OPEN 10 Lacs
Haryana OBC 10 Lacs
Punjab OBC 20 Lacs
Jammu & Kashmir OBC 8 Lacs
Arunachal Pradesh OPEN 7 Lacs
Total Banjara Population in India 6 Crore 84 Lacs
Population of India
Uttar Pradesh 166,197,921
Maharashtra 96,878,627
Bihar 82,998,509
West Bengal 80,176,197
Andhra Pradesh 76,210,007
BANJARAS 6,84,00,000
Tamil Nadu 62,405,679
Madhya Pradesh 60,348,023
Rajasthan 56,507,188
Karnataka 52,850,562
Gujarat 50,671,017
Orissa 36,804,660
Kerala 31,841,374
Jharkhand 26,945,829
Assam 26,655,528
Punjab 24,358,999
Haryana 21,144,564
Chhattisgarh 20,833,803
Delhi 13,850,507
Jammu and Kashmir 10,143,700
Uttarakhand 8,489,349
Himachal Pradesh 6,077,900
Tripura 3,199,203
Manipur 2,166,788
Meghalaya 2,318,822
Nagaland 1,990,036
Goa 1,347,668
Arunachal Pradesh 1,097,968
Pondicherry 974,345
Chandigarh 900,635
Mizoram 888,573
Sikkim 540,851
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 356,152
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 220,490
Daman and Diu 158,204
Lakshadweep 60,650
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_and_territories_of_India_by_population
Source:Bhatkya Vimukta va tyanche Prashna—Shankarrao Kharat, Banjara Calender-2007, Beed.
Our population is more than that of most of the states in India but still we don’t have any strong political voice in India. All the states were created on the basis of language then if we consider our language as a basis then with such huge population we could be a 6th biggest state in India, but as we are spread all over India and not in a particular region we could not make any big impact in Indian politics as we are not united. How many MPs n MLAs and ministers we have in national and state cabinets? very few,the number will be below 10.There has been no influential banjara leader who has influence beyond his district after Shri. Vasantrao Naik(CM of Maharashtra from 1963 to 1975).
Instead of being in one country having same language, culture and socio-economic state we have been put under various categories in various states.
See what colonel Kirori Singh Bainsla did in Rajasthan, he fought for Gujjars, though many gujjars have died in agitation finally they have got reservation under special category,in which Banjaras are also included, thanks to colonel Bainsla. The point I want to make is if Gujjars can fight for their rights, why can’t we unite and fight for our rights, we are large in numbers, imagine what kind of pressure we can put on Government. On one side we are fighting for SC/ST status and on other side Maharashtra Government has put the condition of non-creamy layer certificate for the VJ category in state,where seats of many courses remain vacant in various colleges for various courses due to lack of candidates. Would the state government have dared to take this step if we had leader like col. Bainsla?
Jai Sevalal, Jai Hind
Vinod Pawar
Shri Ranjit Poojari Naik, a renowned Architect and Social Worker
In the year 1962 he married Chandrakala Naik, a Teacher, Social Worker and First Banjara lady Graduate in Maharashtra State. She has helped him, in all his socio-economic and cultural activities of All India Banjara Seva Sangh (AIBSS) and many other organizations for the upliftment of Banjara Community.
He was the Member of Indian Institute of Architects (AIIA) and Practicing Engineers, Architects and Town Planners Association (PEATA – Mumbai) and registered in the Council of Architecture as a Practicing Architect (under Govt. of India Act – 1972 for the Registration of Architects). He was practicing as Architect in Mumbai since 1964 to till his death.
He started his social work since age of 19, i.e. 1952 for the Welfare of Banjaras (Nomadic Tribes/Gypsies of India), Scheduled Tribes and other Weaker Sections of the country. He appeared before “Kaka kalelkar Backward Class Commission”, in 1953 along with his father, Shri Bhagat Champla Naik and maternal uncle Comrade Shri S.Ghane Naik, to plead before the said committee, for the inclusion of Sugalis/ Lambadis in the list of Scheduled Tribes, in the Constitution of India, in the then Madras Province and succeeded in getting Lambadis / Sugalis included in the list of Scheduled Tribes of the Constitution of India, in the year 1954.
- 2 -
He organized and fully participated in the Conference of Erukula – Enandi – Lambadi Tribal Conference, in 1953.
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Here is the information about Our Gotra's/Juth
Rathod/Bhukya (27)
Pawar (12)
Aivath Pammar
Chaivoth Pammar
Inloth Pammar
Chavan/Chauhan (6)
Vadithya/Jadhav (52)
Vadithya Jaajigiri
...there r some more which i dont know...If u knw plz send me the other sub categories of this gotra
Banoth (15)
People from one Gothra can marry another gothra -(sathish)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
"Lack Of Awarness"
would like to remaind to all our goarBanjara bhai aur bheno's ,please try to spread & expose about our samaj(Regarding Education,Culture,Tradition,Festivals,Wor
I think this the responsibility of every goar who knows very well about our samaj.Please try to help each other . But the main problem of the banjaras are lack of awarness about goar samaj and i think the simplest&quikest way to convey any type of message/information for individual/all by broadcasting all types of program on "TELEVISION" in our goar boli basha. Thank you, Jai Sewalal.... M.Ramesh Rathod,Scientist(DRDO),Hyderabad. |
Share Our history,idea's with our people
Dr. Surya Dhananjay Naik, M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Telugu, Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, India, PIN: 500 007.
Email Adress: suryadhananjay@yahoo.co.in
Phone: 040 27015930, 9949996902, 9849104187.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Write ur opinion & sugession for our blog
Come on Banjara
Write here your opinion,idea's about our blog & give me some sugession for our blog ,so it look like attractive,live & active.(Ab Nahi to kab?)