सिका छ ,सीकावा छ, सीके राज घडवा छ,सीको गोरमाटी सिकलो रा, सिक सिक राज पथ चढलो रा,सीके वाळो सिक पर लेल सेवारो रूप रा.---Dr.Chavan Pandit


Friday, May 28, 2010

christians are aintrested to develop our community by becoming us chritions........think senciarly, alert. &develop by our unity.not by other

Welcome to the CBF Gypsy Network 
The CBF Gypsy team ministers to Gypsies in India, North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.
The CBF Gypsy Cluster ministers and networks in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Our goal is to create self-supporting, reproducing Gypsy churches by marshalling prayer support, encouraging Christian presence in Gypsy communities, developing Scripture and related media resources, partnering with other Great Commission Christians, and training Gypsy Christian leadership. The CBF cluster began working in Europe (Romany), and expanded to serve Gypsies in the Indian Subcontinent (Banjara) as well as in North Africa and the Middle East (Dom).

Gypsy Ministry Team Project List
The mission of the Gypsy Ministry Team is to mobilize the resources necessary to evangelize and disciple unreached Gypsies worldwide in order to bring about indigenous, self-reproducing communities of believers. Already work is underway in Europe, India, the Middle East and North Africa. As we serve, we carry the vision in our minds of this marginalized people discovering their place in God�s family. This project list is intended to help you explore exciting possibilities of involvement in the Gypsy work.
Production of Gospel Resources
Romany Scripture Media, # 80821
Given the oral culture background of all Romany groups, video, film, cassette, and CD can be powerful tools for communicating the Gospel and discipling believers. We will partner with Wycliffe to dub existing �shell� videos into Romani language for distribution by church leaders and evangelists throughout Europe and the former USSR. When deemed more appropriate, audio �Mini-Bibles� will be recorded using selected Bible stories.
Funds Needed: $3,000

Kalderash Cyrillic New Testament, # 80829
Purpose: Meet need for the New Testament in a language and script which Romany Christians in former Soviet Block areas can use to disciple and evangelize their own people. The project funds will be used to complete correction, publish, and then establish an affordable distribution system for the Kalderash New Testament in Cyrillic script.
Funds Needed: $2,000

Sing Banjara (Resources for Praise & Worship) # 81382
This project will support multi-media development projects in Lambadi language in India such as the Banjara Hymnbook with CD song track, and distribution of the Jesus Film in Lambadi. This is a 3-way partnership with CBF, CBN, and sponsoring Banjara organizations or churches. The goal is to use partnerships to reach Banjara communities who have not yet seen the Jesus Film or where church planting efforts need to be strengthened. The goal of the Hymnbook is to provide a culturally appropriate form of worship among the Banjara people.
Funds Needed: $3,000

Read Banjara (Lambadi Audio & Written Bible) # 81383
Funds will be used to sponsor the translation of the Old Testament and to print copies of the Lambadi New Testament in Hindi script as well as storytelling materials. Additionally, project money will help publish Hindi and Kannada script versions of the New Testament in the Lambadi language. In the northern states most Banjara people are illiterate and therefore an audio form of God�s word is needed. Funds for this project will be used to record, mass-produce, and distribute the audio Bible.
Funds Needed: $6,000

Humanitarian and Development Projects
Dom Scholarships, # 80210
This project will help to provide scholarships to young Dom people living in the Middle East & North Africa for both university studies and vocational training institutions. The project demonstrates the commitment of CBF to a holistic ministry that will enable Gypsies to better themselves and their communities, while at the same time insure that Christian personnel can provide a witness to those students at a critical point in their lives.
Funds Needed: $5,000 ($500 for each scholarship)

Gypsy Family Project, # 80186
Many Gypsy families live a desperate existence and have little left for gifts for children at Christmas. This project provides funds to pay for gifts at Christmas as well as school supplies during the year. Occasionally funds are used to purchase firewood, pay utility bills, funeral costs, and fill medical prescriptions.
Funds Needed: $500

Hunger & Clothing Relief, # 80213
This project will provide emergency relief for the neediest of Gypsy families in the Middle East & North Africa. Particular attention will be given to those areas where families are devastated by the effects of war. New relief efforts are anticipated for communities in which work is currently developing.
Funds Needed: $25 one blanket; $35 food relief package for one family.

Dom Vocational Training, # 80218
The vocational training projects will be carried out in conjunction with local training institutes and local ministry teams in the Middle East & North Africa.
Funds Needed: $100 scholarships are needed to support each Dom participant in these programs for one year. 50 scholarships are needed.

Banjara Mobile Medical Clinics # 81381
The CBF ministry among the Banjara Gypsies takes a holistic approach, using social and economic development projects, along with evangelistic endeavors. Medical clinics serve the needs of those Gypsies who do not have adequate health care. Services can range from general to diagnostic to educational. Project funds are requested, to sponsor Indian medical personnel and to conduct the clinics. In some areas, Banjara provide a minimal fee, but funds are for a doctor�s honorarium and medicines.
Funds are also used for emergency care or to help with major medical needs among Banjara workers and community members. These funds will be used in the six states throughout India.
Funds Needed: $8,000.00

Banjara Hunger Relief # 81384
Banjara Gypsies, as well as other tribal people, come into the major cities of India in search for work or opportunities of a better life. Upon arrival, many resort to living on the side of the road with little or no money, no one to call on and many go hungry for days. Sometimes, they arrive alone but sometimes the entire family accompanies the men and will live on a sidewalk or anywhere they can. Naga Christian Fellowship, a student ministry for college student, are involved in ministry but the church is limited because the majority are students and on a tight budget. While Banjara Gypsies and others do find a job and are able to provide for their families the nutritional aspects are still in need of assistance. The Banjara people are also faced with lack of food during the monsoon season because they are not able to work because of the heavy rains.
Funds Needed: $6,000

Chalo Banjara (Advance Banjara/Micro Enterprise), # 81385
Funds will enable us to establish micro enterprise businesses among the communities of ministry. These projects will not only assist Banjara men allowing them to provide for their family, and help them become self-sustaining but will also provide for training and business opportunities for mothers to work from home. Banjara attire is very unique and by applying the style to other clothing items it becomes marketable with the tourist. Banjara churches will also benefit for such opportunities because congregations can also start businesses to help sustain a pastor and its ministry.
Funds Needed: $8,000

Banjara Bache (Children Ministries), # 81389
Our work is among the most neglected and many times the children are neglected the most. The children in the communities we work with spend the day alone � the older children take care of the younger siblings. Parents go to work most of the day and don�t return home until evening. Funds for this project will help us provide children ministries in the different communities where we work. VBS, Back Yard Bible Clubs, are but a few of the ministries which will be provided.
Funds Needed: $6,000

Emergency Response, # 81390
Often in the ministry with Banjara in India, emergency situations arise which need a direct response such as a sudden death in the church family, a traumatic accident, or dire need for a benevolent gift. This project allows us to provide emergency assistance to meet the needs of Banjara that just don't fit any other project.

Heifer Slovakia, # 89753
Heifer International � Slovakia works with poor families, including Roma, to help them learn basic farming skills to empower them to be active in addressing their own hunger needs. Heifer Slovakia works with local non-profits in Roma communities by providing animals, training, veterinary care and supervision. To begin breeding programs, the animals often require special cages. Heifer Slovakia Breeding Partnership provides the necessary funding for the construction of these breeding cages.
Funds needed: $1000 per year

Roma Health and Hunger Project, #89754 Roma Hunger & Health Project - The second week of each month is when many Roma families discover that there is more month left than there is money to buy groceries. Roma Hunger and Health project is designed to address the hunger needs of some of the poorest Roma in Kosice, Slovakia. In addition to providing a warm lunch to every Middle, Jr High, and Sr High school student to help the student�s families during the last week before their social assistance checks arrive, a health clinic will screen student�s health and provide culturally relevant information for healthy living. Unemployed Roma women who have training in healthcare will be utilized in conducting the screenings. In the future, the health screenings will be offered to the student�s parents.
Establishment of Gypsy Churches and Training of Gypsy Leaders
Middle East Gypsy Church Start, #80215
This project will support an indigenous church plant. The area in which the church is located is torn by war that has devastated the economy. Thus, Christian Gypsy leaders struggle to provide for themselves, much less to make enough to support the growing number of believers (most of whom are extremely poor themselves). For this church to survive, partnering churches are being sought to support them financially until political and military tensions in the region subside. The primary emphasis will be to find a sister church that will help to support and to encourage the Gypsy church.
Funds Needed: $634 will support the work (rent of building, supplies for children�s programs, church utilities) for one month.

Proclaim Banjara, (Banjara Pastors/Leaders) # 81387
As new church starts arise, the lack of funds and low wages earned by its members makes it difficult for the church to support a pastor/leader. As the Banjara people become new believers and learn about stewardship they do give sacrificially but it takes a new Banjara church at least four years before it can become a self-sustaining church.
The Banjara Gypsy team will assist these new churches, thru their founding organization, by providing financial support for the pastor of that church. This partnership will be limited to a four year commitment. As membership and giving increases the church will be responsible for one forth of the pastor�s support and will continue to contribute until it becomes self-supported.
Funds Needed: $8,000

Follow Me Banjara (Discipleship Training), # 81388 Conversions are illegal in India and yet many among the Banjara community are coming to the saving grace of Christ through personal evangelism, testimonies, and evangelistic meetings. New believers are invited to attend regular discipleship meetings and encounter weekend. For many of them attending these meetings mean a loss in wages and yet they are committed to their spiritual growth. Funds for this project will be used to help with half travel expenses for leaders and participants to attend encounter weekend meetings, meals, and discipleship materials. Consideration will be given for those who cannot attend due to lack of funds.
Funds Needed: $8,000

Hungarian Gypsy Church Property, # 85182
Two Romany congregations are in need of securing their own property. The Ujleta mission (45-50) meets in a lay leader�s home that is far too small for the entire congregation. The Retkozberencs mission (80-100) also meets in a home and their growth is limited. Funds have been provided and a plot of land has been purchased. Funds are needed to build a simple facility for housing this church plant.
Funds Needed: $20,000 (any amount appreciated)

Gypsy Smith Leadership Training School, # 85184
Some 25-30 Gypsy leaders in Romania meet four times a year for two intensive ministry- training courses. Guest professors prepare students in Biblical studies, Theology, practical ministry skills (Evangelism, Discipleship) and Baptist heritage.
Funds Needed: $500 will provide expenses for one leader for four sessions.

Education and Literacy Projects
Ruth School, # 80185
The Ruth School provides education to Gypsy children in Bucharest, Romania who have been denied access to public school. Some 200 children attend the school where they receive teaching from grades 1-8, a nutritious lunch and health check-ups. This fund helps pay for lunches, school supplies and teacher salaries.
Funds Needed: $2,000

Ruth School Building Project, # 80188
The Ruth School has expanded into its new facility that houses all of grades 1-8. The new building has all needed classrooms, a medical clinic, cafeteria and vocational training rooms. However, many of the rooms have not been equipped. Funds will help provide classroom furniture, medical clinic equipment and inventory as well as vocational training equipment.
Funds Needed: $30,000. (Any amount will be appreciated!)

Dom Literacy Programs, # 80214
This project supports literacy programs in four different Middle Eastern countries. Such programs are needed to help the Dom function more fully in society and also to enable their own reading of the Bible.
Funds Needed: $2,000 will sponsor one program. Or, $100 will sponsor one student for the program.

Romany Education, Moldova--# 80827
Illiteracy�and unemployment�are high among Romany in Moldova. This project will support educational opportunities for Romany in Moldova. Options include a) setting up a �Project Ruth� in the village of Vulcanesti; b) literacy classes for teenagers and adults; c) scholarships for higher education such as at the Moldovan Bible College.

Learn Banjara (Mobile Schools), # 81386
Adult literacy program among Banjara people and the need for their children�s education have become very evident. Most children living in the thandas do not attend any type of school and that will keep them in the same condition of poverty. The school will be mobile because they are nomadic in the sense that they move from work site to work site and this is why the children do not attend school. We have started ESL classes because English will help them advance further than the local languages. These funds will be used for mobile schools throughout India.
As more Banjaras are educated they will be able to read God�s word in their own language and will be better prepared as future leaders not only for their own people but also in their communities.
Funds Needed: $7,000

Gandhi School, # 85183
This school has some 270 Gypsy students enrolled. They study the regular high school curriculum as well as Romany language and culture. We have placed short-term personnel on staff in the English department and volunteer teams go once a year to lead conversational English and outreach services. These funds help this school purchase computers and other supplies that they otherwise cannot afford. In addition funds provide for 30 of the English students to attend a one-week summer camp to boost their conversational skills.
Funds Needed: $4,000

Partnerships with Great Commission Christians
Bulgarian Missionary Support, # 80180
CBF supports two Bulgarian Gypsy pastors who lead churches and serve as the voices of Romany broadcasts on TransWorld Radio. These men translate and produce five programs weekly that are broadcast across the Balkans.
Funds Needed: $3,600 will provide support for two pastors for one full year.

Roma Conference, # 80182
CBF partners with the Hungarian Baptist Union to sponsor this quarterly event that brings together Christian Gypsy lay leaders for worship, prayer, networking and discussions of issues relative to Christianity within the Romany culture. This fund provides for transportation, room and board for 25-30 participants.
Funds Needed: $1500 will provide expenses for four quarterly conferences.

Gypsy Cluster Prayer Coordinator Support, # 80184
Linda and Bruce Salmon currently serve as the stateside prayer coordinators for the Gypsy cluster. They represent the cluster at state CBF meetings and General Assembly as well as churches, promote the various projects and prayer calendars, help to coordinate the Gypsy Ministries website, etc. This fund pays for their expenses for travel to various meetings including a trip annually to the Gypsy cluster meeting.
Funds Needed: $2,500 (for one year)

Gypsy Mission India (Children Homes), #813XX
Gypsy Mission India has been in ministry for over forty years ands have been very successful reaching Banjara communities through children homes. Many of the over 500 pastors in their organization grew up, served, and/or established a home. A children�s home will provide a child�s basic needs, an education, medical care, as well as an opportunity to learn about Christ. Forty to fifty children are served for as little as $25 a month per child. These homes also serve as training centers and place of worship.
Funds Needed: $25 per Child

National Ministry Team Worker�Middle East, # 85213
This project will allow a national ministry team to add another worker who will coordinate ministry efforts (both evangelistic and relief efforts) among the Dom living in a Middle Eastern country.
Funds Needed: $4,000 ($1,000 will support the worker for one year)

Romany Outreach, Moldovan Baptist Union, #85822.
These funds support a local, Moldovan missionary to the Romany. $8,000 total; $330 provides salary and all associated costs for one month; $60 provides transportation costs for two weeks; $40 provides living costs for one week.

Slovak/Czech Baptist Roma Mission Support, # 89751
In partnership with the Baptist Unions in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, this project will mobilize and encourage holistic Roma ministry among their member churches by providing strategic direct ministry support for Church Planting, minister development, and social ministries.
Funds needed: $2,500 per year

Bethel � House of Christian Help, # 89752
The House of Christian Help - Bethel is a Ministry Center which houses different ministries of the local Baptist Church. The ministries are the Half-Way House, a ministry providing help to young adults release from orphanages; and the Alpha Center, an outreach with a variety of activities including a children's club "Oasis", a coffee house with Christian literature and exhibits of Christian artists, ESL courses and Bible Studies for unbelievers.
Funds needed: $100 will provide a place for one person to stay at Bethel�s Half Way House for one month

Supporting a Project
To support one of the above projects, send a check made out to the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, P.O. Box 101699, Atlanta, Ga. 30392. IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to include the project number on your check to insure that the funds go directly to the Gypsy Team project of your choice.

CBF Global Missions Offering � 2007-2008
Financial gifts to the Offering for Global Missions go directly to the mission�s field, supporting the work of 170 CBF Global Missions field personnel around the world. This year's Offering goal is $6.32 million, and every dollar counts.
Make your check payable to CBF and send it to:
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
P.O. Box 101699
Atlanta, Ga. 30392



C. Iyer at the launch of the Banjara Education Pack
Ambassador C. Iyer at the launch of the Banjara Education Pack
"This is an education pack which introduces the Banjara. Originally a nomadic gypsy tribe from India, this community have held strongly to their cultural bonds and traditions whilst demonstrating an unusual ability to develop socially, economically and politically."
Through introducing the Banjara community, this pack provides new ideas for creative education for teachers and those working with minority and culturally diverse groups.
It also encourages exploration and respect for difference within the mainstream.
School class at Ilac Centre Library exhibition, 
Dublin, Ireland.
School class at Ilac Centre Library exhibition, Dublin, Ireland.

"I am proud to say that one elderly Banjara once told me that I am a ‘nomadic Banjara at heart’."

"The Banjaras are an inspiring community who have a great deal to teach us about tradition, culture, the arts and how to interact with others. Through this pack I hope I have passed on some of the information and inspiration that was so generously shared with me by the many Banjaras and their friends who I met in the course of my work, travels and research."
D:\New Folder 

Irish Girl in Banjara Clothes
Irish school girls in Banjara dress.

Irish teacher training student in Banjara dress.


travellers in Banjara dress.

Banjara Family
Irish travellers in Banjara dress.

Banjara Family.

The pack is not an extensive study of the Banjaras. There are many fascinating and often controversial topics related to the community that I have not been able to include. However, the aim is that this material opens a window on to a nomadic life style that has changed and adapted under the pressures of modernisation, whilst at the same time retaining a pride and observance of cultural traditions.

Banjara woman in traditional jewellery & 

Banjara woman in traditional jewellery & 
Banjara woman in traditional jewellery & dress.

Banjara woman in traditional jewellery & dress.

sue Bullogh khahre

Banjara Multilingal Dictionary


Multilingual Dictionary with Semantic Category Section
and Indexes for Telugu, English and Hindi
Chief Mother Tongue Resource Persons
Banoth Vagya Naik - MLE Supervisor, GPS Ramnaik Thanda
Dharavath Ramchandar - MTRP, GPS Marrimitta Thanda
Prof. Battu Ramesh - PS Telugu University, Warangal
Jaysingh Rathod - AAMO(TE), RVM, Warangal
Dr.V. Ramakoti - Oriental College, Hyderabad
Mother Tongue Editors - Computer Typesetting Assistants
Gugulothu Vijendar Naik - Narsampet, Warangal
Porika Ramprasad - Mulugu, Warangal
Gugulothu Poolsingh - Narsampet, Warangal
Linguistic, Computing and Lexicography Consultants
Gumidyala Venkat Ramesh - Multilingual Educational Linguist
Mark Penny - Computational Linguist, SIL International
Linguistic Advisors
Prof. G. Umamaheshwar Rao - CALTS, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Prof. K. Thomasaiah - Dept. of Linguistics, PS Telugu University, Hyderabad
Academic Coordinators
Prof. N. Upender Reddy - State Academic Monitoring Officer
P. Sudharshan Reddy - Academic Monitoring Officer
Dr. V. Nageshwar Rao - Additional State Project Director
Venkateshwara Sharma - Additional State Project Director
Chief Editor
Mohd. Ali Rafath, I.A.S. - State Project Director
 Refrence link

Banjara people wants reference

All other cast people are giving reference for thie cast only.our people also want your reference please inform job opportunity any there in your company.plz encourage our people

Mr Pandu 

Mission & Vision

After independence Central Government did much for the welfare and upliftment of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes neglecting the Banjaras in most of the States. Since Banjaras are of nomadic nature, they were unable to organize themselves like the SC/STs and place before the Government their grievances. So GoI never thought for the upliftment of Banjaras. No special constitutional provisions have been made for Banjaras as it was done for SC/STs. This is more heart burning issue as a consequence of which Bajaras remained most backward till the 60 years of our independence.
It is for the first time that Late Shri Vasant Rao Nayak, Ex. Chief Minister of Maharashtra, who felt the pathetic condition of Banjaras by heart and came forward to highlight the problems of Banjaras before the Government. By his personal efforts in 1953 All India Banjara Seva Sangh (AIBSS) was constituted. The Banjara Kranti Dal came at later stage as one of the organs of AIBSS. The people from Banjara Community will never forget Late Shri Vasant Rao Nayak, from Karanataka, for his contribution towards the cause of Banjaras. Under his able guidance the AIBSS tried to focus various problems of Banjaras to Government and during his lifetime and after his demise the Association though took up the cause of Banjaras with Central Government and State Governments but much could not be achieved till 1988. In 1988 Late Shri Ranjeet Nayak took over the charge of AIBSS and he navigated the Sangh in right direction and gave a new shape to it. He reconstituted the AIBSS and rejuvenated the members of the Sangh as a consequence of which membership of AIBSS increased manifold and various programmes, meetings could be organized. After that under the leadership of the present President, Dr. Shankar Nayak, the Sangh leaped forward and took many steps for the betterment of Banjara Community. As a result of which it is the believe of AIBSS that days are not far ahead when the dream of our forefathers will be fulfilled. People of Banjara Community are not aware of their problem, they think that they are the prey of luck and their socio-economic condition would not be changed. But it is not true, every Banjara should be proud that he belongs to the Banjara Samaj and he should think that he can also live a modest life like other forward communities. Through this site every Banjaras can bring problems of Banjaras in their areas and they should bring forward their problem and be more vocal at local level by organizing various demonstrations, peaceful rally, agitations to draw the attention of Government towards their problems.
In January, 2007 Shri Haribau Rathod, Member of Parliament appointed as Working President of All India Banjara Seva Sangh. He is also President of Banjara Kranti Dal. Throughout his life he has been fighting for the cause of Banjaras. He raised the issues of Banajaras in different fora. He is always vocal in Parliament, Media about the problems of Banjaras and instrumental to arrange various meetings between the Banjara representations and Prime Minister, and various concerned Ministries of Central Government. He made several efforts for the upliftment of Banjara community. For last few years he has been making correspondence with different Ministries, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble President to apprise them about the problem of Banjara Community. The Associations Hopes that Government will meet all demands which they made with them on behalf of crores of Banjaras of our country by various correspondences, meeting; raising the issue in Parliament in Zero Hour and by other Parliamentary procedures. People belonging to Banjara community do not be frustrated, they should not be skeptic; they should work hard and organize the people of their community so that they can make the Government feel that they are also an important part of the country and they have the right to get every benefit of democracy.
For last so many years Shri Haribhau Rathod has been taking up the issues of Banjaras with Central Government and States Governments, such as Reservation Policy, getting reservation benefit as per SC/STs, allocation of Special Budget for the welfare of Banjaras, basic primary education to the children of Banajras through Banjara Language, declare Banjara Tandas as revenue village, and Tanda Sudhar Yojana all over India.
He has also made several correspondences with the Chief Ministers of States ruled by Bhartiya Janta Party as well as States ruled by other parties raising various issues of Banjaras. As far as Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh and Uttarakahnd are concerned he is trying to make the government understand the problems of Banjaras. The believe is that that these Governments will consider the request of Banjaras and will provide reservations to Banjaras and DNTs on the line of Maharashtra Government.
After various meetings with the then Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji in the year 2003 by his direction a National Commission for Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes was constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri B Motilal Nayak and later Shri Balkrishna Renake was appointed as Cahriamn of this Commision. This was the first step from Government side to think seriously about the problems of DNTs of which Banjaras are also a part. The Commission has examined various problems of DNTs, surveyed the country and placed an interim report to the Government recommending some measures for the upliftment and benefit of DNTs. The Assocaition is hopeful that final report of the Commission will come in January, 2008.
Delegations of AIBSS met with Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble Prime Minster and had a detailed discussion with him about the problems of Banjara community. Hon’ble Prime Minister gave the delegation a patient hearing and issue directions for constitution of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes and the TAG was constituted on 29th August, 2006 under the Chairman of Dr. G N Devy. The TAG submitted their report to the Government recommending some measures for the benefit of DNTs.
The time has now come, all Banjaras should think whether they can achieve theire target by the measures which have been taken so far or should think for other alternatives. Through this site you can send your views and comments and schemes which you think will be useful for the betterment The Association support the Government Policy regarding reservation in some States where Banjaras are getting benefit of reservation at per SC/ST. The Association does not want any change in this policy, but urges upon the Central Government that the same should be followed in every States of the country. Recommendations from various State Governments have been sent to Central Government for extending the benefit of reservations for STs to their States, Banjaras demand is that Government should accept those recommendations. Wherever State Government is not in a position to recommend to include the Banjaras in the list of STs they should adopt reservation policy as per Maharashtra Government, by which the DNTs/Banjaras will also get the benefit of reservation. The Central Government should bring a Bill in the next Session of Parliament for giving constitutional safeguard to Banjaras along with Denotified Nomadic Tribes (DNTs) by making a 3rd Schedule in the Constitution so that Banjaras and DNTs can get all benefits, such as reservation in jobs, promotions, etc like SC/ST/OBC and Minorities.
This site is meant for the cause of Banjara people. The Association requests all Banjaras that they should be active member of the Sangh, make regular interactions with the people of Banjara Samaj at their local level, make them aware about the various plan programmes of the Government, the activities of All India Banjara Seva Sangh, All India Banjara Kranti Dall and always be at their side with them when they face any problem.
Hope the days are not far ahead when Banjaras will get constitutional protection like SC/ST from Government.
With this hope I dedicate this site is dedicated to the people of Banjara Communities of the country.

With best wishes.
Banjara Kranti Dal 

Govt releases funds for Banjara development (Krnataka)

Bangalore: Karnataka Government, which had declared all the Banjara (Lambani) settlements in the state as revenue villages, had released Rs 20 crore to take up developmental works, Minister for Animal Husbandry, Revenue Naik Belamagi said here today.
Speaking to newspersons here today, the Minister said the government had released Rs 20 crore earlier for the banjara community development in over 16 districts.
Claiming several initiatives had been taken for the uplift of the community, including creation of a separate Banjara Development Corporation, Mr Belamagi said the process of giving revenue villages status to Lambani statement was put on fast track.
He said the Lambani community, which had an estimated population of over 50 lakh, had demanded the Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa to nominate one from the community to the Upper House in the Karnataka Legislature.

special trhanx,

Good Initiative for further interaction and development of the community

Dear All
Its Good Initiative for further interaction and development of the community.Ramakrishna naik has taken this opportunity, Plz take you time to forward this message to all our community members, which can reach to every one.

I have been making my dream film documentry project for the last two year planning to end this year, i have stopped my shoot, still i need to shoot for Traditional Banjara marriage, I hope its still its happening in Andhra Pradesh if you know any plce plz do let me know.Plz be free to call.

hoping for the good.

Thanks and Best wishes.
Freelance filmmaker/ Project Associate
and Training consultant
Department of communication,
SN School,
University of Hyderabad,
Cell NO:09440727809

2010/5/27 ramakrishna naik <naik455@gmail.com>

    now started our socity in all AP.so wanted member
intrested peoples are invited.
r u intrested membership call me urgent.......
mobile number 9493388732

Anil Kumar. P
Project Associate,
Department of communication, SN School,
University of Hyderabad.


Training Consultant
Video Volunteers
Website <http://www.videovolunteers.org>
Watch our videos on <http://www.ch19.org>


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Three things in life that, once gone, never come back -

like to make frds... nn like HRITHIK ROSHAN very much. and also MAHESH BABU....

i beleive in these.. THREE - 3 's...

Three things in life that, once gone, never come back -

(1)- Time

(2)- Embeded Words

(3)- Opportunity

Three things in life that may never be lost -

(1)- Peace

(2)- Hope

(3)- Honesty

Three things in life that are most valuable -

(1)- Love

(2)- Self-confidence

(3)- Friends

Three things in life that are never certain -

(1)- Dreams

(2)- Sucess

(3)- Fortune

Three things that make a man/woman -

(1)- Hardwork

(2)- Sincerity

(3)- commitment

Three things in life that can destroy a man/woman -

(1)- Alcohol

(2)- Pride

(3)- Anger

Three things in life that, once lost, hard to build-up -

(1)- Respect

(2)- Trust

(3)- Friendship

Three things in life that never fail -

(1)- True love

(2)- Determination

(3)- Belief


Labels: love sms
Love is like a golden chain that links our hearts together

and if you ever break that chain youll break my heart 4ever!

This is my sms blog...give ur opinion on my blog

Sidharth bhukya
My blog is http://smsyoulike.blogspot.com/

Banjara Actress Killed

Banjara Actress Killed

'Goren ghore karano pade'

Jai Sevalal

Aaj jagem jager heno to sari gormati bhai ghor karer garaj chha. Bharatem aapani sankya sadarantha 9% chha tari aapno vikas hido koni pan ab apane saghatit her chha aani aapne goremati janta vichar karer chha var karta ekcha nara chha

"Gore kar Ghor"
Ajay rathod

Banjara-jeevansathi provides better services


Banjara Jeevansathi
Matrimonial Portal
Online Portal for Banjara Community, Banjara Matrimonial

Online Portal Dedicated to Banjara People.
Banjara Jeevansathi
provides online portal for Banjara Matrimonial, Banjara Community.
Online Portal
Add your profile on Our Portal Today and find your dream match!!
Please Complete your profile ( Profile/ Profession )
We are providing search for members,from our Online Data,
Receive interests and Contact Online Members, and fulfill with
your Prospective Matches on your e-mail

Kindly Upload your photo and get lots of other benefits.

We are providing you with the following details for the security reason.

>> You have to register for password and password you will get on your email id.

>> After sign in please complete your profile, after completion you will get verification call.

For Any further information please contact us @ 91 - 98833853822

Banjara Matrimonial
Banjara Community
About Banjara
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Our Culture


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Enroll our religion as ‘Banjara’ and Mother tongue

Please enroll our religion as ‘Banjara’ and Mother tongue as ‘Banjara Boli/Goar Boli’ in the Census of 2011.

Please convey this meassage to all our goar bhai/bahan.
it may be greate chance to us.please spread this message into all cities as well as our tandas.
Banjara Jeeevansathi

Hand Paintings

Gormati Headline Animator

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