Friday, May 28, 2010
Mission & Vision
After independence Central Government did much for the welfare and upliftment of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes neglecting the Banjaras in most of the States. Since Banjaras are of nomadic nature, they were unable to organize themselves like the SC/STs and place before the Government their grievances. So GoI never thought for the upliftment of Banjaras. No special constitutional provisions have been made for Banjaras as it was done for SC/STs. This is more heart burning issue as a consequence of which Bajaras remained most backward till the 60 years of our independence.
It is for the first time that Late Shri Vasant Rao Nayak, Ex. Chief Minister of Maharashtra, who felt the pathetic condition of Banjaras by heart and came forward to highlight the problems of Banjaras before the Government. By his personal efforts in 1953 All India Banjara Seva Sangh (AIBSS) was constituted. The Banjara Kranti Dal came at later stage as one of the organs of AIBSS. The people from Banjara Community will never forget Late Shri Vasant Rao Nayak, from Karanataka, for his contribution towards the cause of Banjaras. Under his able guidance the AIBSS tried to focus various problems of Banjaras to Government and during his lifetime and after his demise the Association though took up the cause of Banjaras with Central Government and State Governments but much could not be achieved till 1988. In 1988 Late Shri Ranjeet Nayak took over the charge of AIBSS and he navigated the Sangh in right direction and gave a new shape to it. He reconstituted the AIBSS and rejuvenated the members of the Sangh as a consequence of which membership of AIBSS increased manifold and various programmes, meetings could be organized. After that under the leadership of the present President, Dr. Shankar Nayak, the Sangh leaped forward and took many steps for the betterment of Banjara Community. As a result of which it is the believe of AIBSS that days are not far ahead when the dream of our forefathers will be fulfilled. People of Banjara Community are not aware of their problem, they think that they are the prey of luck and their socio-economic condition would not be changed. But it is not true, every Banjara should be proud that he belongs to the Banjara Samaj and he should think that he can also live a modest life like other forward communities. Through this site every Banjaras can bring problems of Banjaras in their areas and they should bring forward their problem and be more vocal at local level by organizing various demonstrations, peaceful rally, agitations to draw the attention of Government towards their problems.
In January, 2007 Shri Haribau Rathod, Member of Parliament appointed as Working President of All India Banjara Seva Sangh. He is also President of Banjara Kranti Dal. Throughout his life he has been fighting for the cause of Banjaras. He raised the issues of Banajaras in different fora. He is always vocal in Parliament, Media about the problems of Banjaras and instrumental to arrange various meetings between the Banjara representations and Prime Minister, and various concerned Ministries of Central Government. He made several efforts for the upliftment of Banjara community. For last few years he has been making correspondence with different Ministries, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble President to apprise them about the problem of Banjara Community. The Associations Hopes that Government will meet all demands which they made with them on behalf of crores of Banjaras of our country by various correspondences, meeting; raising the issue in Parliament in Zero Hour and by other Parliamentary procedures. People belonging to Banjara community do not be frustrated, they should not be skeptic; they should work hard and organize the people of their community so that they can make the Government feel that they are also an important part of the country and they have the right to get every benefit of democracy.
For last so many years Shri Haribhau Rathod has been taking up the issues of Banjaras with Central Government and States Governments, such as Reservation Policy, getting reservation benefit as per SC/STs, allocation of Special Budget for the welfare of Banjaras, basic primary education to the children of Banajras through Banjara Language, declare Banjara Tandas as revenue village, and Tanda Sudhar Yojana all over India.
He has also made several correspondences with the Chief Ministers of States ruled by Bhartiya Janta Party as well as States ruled by other parties raising various issues of Banjaras. As far as Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh and Uttarakahnd are concerned he is trying to make the government understand the problems of Banjaras. The believe is that that these Governments will consider the request of Banjaras and will provide reservations to Banjaras and DNTs on the line of Maharashtra Government.
After various meetings with the then Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji in the year 2003 by his direction a National Commission for Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes was constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri B Motilal Nayak and later Shri Balkrishna Renake was appointed as Cahriamn of this Commision. This was the first step from Government side to think seriously about the problems of DNTs of which Banjaras are also a part. The Commission has examined various problems of DNTs, surveyed the country and placed an interim report to the Government recommending some measures for the upliftment and benefit of DNTs. The Assocaition is hopeful that final report of the Commission will come in January, 2008.
Delegations of AIBSS met with Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble Prime Minster and had a detailed discussion with him about the problems of Banjara community. Hon’ble Prime Minister gave the delegation a patient hearing and issue directions for constitution of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes and the TAG was constituted on 29th August, 2006 under the Chairman of Dr. G N Devy. The TAG submitted their report to the Government recommending some measures for the benefit of DNTs.
The time has now come, all Banjaras should think whether they can achieve theire target by the measures which have been taken so far or should think for other alternatives. Through this site you can send your views and comments and schemes which you think will be useful for the betterment The Association support the Government Policy regarding reservation in some States where Banjaras are getting benefit of reservation at per SC/ST. The Association does not want any change in this policy, but urges upon the Central Government that the same should be followed in every States of the country. Recommendations from various State Governments have been sent to Central Government for extending the benefit of reservations for STs to their States, Banjaras demand is that Government should accept those recommendations. Wherever State Government is not in a position to recommend to include the Banjaras in the list of STs they should adopt reservation policy as per Maharashtra Government, by which the DNTs/Banjaras will also get the benefit of reservation. The Central Government should bring a Bill in the next Session of Parliament for giving constitutional safeguard to Banjaras along with Denotified Nomadic Tribes (DNTs) by making a 3rd Schedule in the Constitution so that Banjaras and DNTs can get all benefits, such as reservation in jobs, promotions, etc like SC/ST/OBC and Minorities.
This site is meant for the cause of Banjara people. The Association requests all Banjaras that they should be active member of the Sangh, make regular interactions with the people of Banjara Samaj at their local level, make them aware about the various plan programmes of the Government, the activities of All India Banjara Seva Sangh, All India Banjara Kranti Dall and always be at their side with them when they face any problem.
Hope the days are not far ahead when Banjaras will get constitutional protection like SC/ST from Government.
With this hope I dedicate this site is dedicated to the people of Banjara Communities of the country.
With best wishes.
Banjara Kranti Dal
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Jai sevalal,Gormati.......I think,you want to write something.