Ram Ram Gor bhaio,
As we know how powerful RTI Act is, but very few of us do utilize RTI Act for their every day work to be done like for example getting ration card, Patta (land ownership document) , driving licence and its go on.
If we (educated people) wont utilize this powerful WEAPON then who will???
Here is the steps for how to utilize the RTI Act:
Whom to apply?
Every Govt department has : 1) PIO - Public information Officer
2) AA - Appellate Authority
So first we have to write a letter regarding seeking the information on specific matter to PIO. If dont get the reply in 30days then we have to write to Appellate Authority.
What about fee?
We have to pay Rs.10/- for getting the information and Rs.2/- per page of the information (this Rs.2/ PIOs will let you know )
Mode of payment of FEE?
Easy way is taking Postal Order for Rs.10/-
Other possible way is : "Court Fee stamp of Rs.10/
Send the application letter through
RPAD: Registered Post with acknowledgement due
NOTE: RTI Act is applicablt only for Govt Bodies and ask only relative and specific questions.
For more info plz visit:
There is no prescribed format for the application form.
We can write in any format
Here is im attaching one of the format of application form
♥♫Ravi Naik♫♥
The owner Of
WE THE BANJARA cummunity Orkut
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Jai sevalal,Gormati.......I think,you want to write something.